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Writing is a lot easier if you have something to say
– Sholem Asch

Sometimes the hardest part of writing is finding a subject to write about. Those that have suffered from Writer’s Block, know the helpless feeling lack of inspiration can cause, and even the most creative soul can lack ideas from time to time.

So how do you get started when it seems there is nothing there to write? 

If you hope to succeed as a writer you must seek out inspiration at every turn. When times get tough you must fight through the wall and find a source for your words. Like an artist, words are your paint, you need to learn to use every color if you hope to create a masterpiece. Inspiration is available all around you, you simply need to open your eyes, and your mind, to let it in. If you are faced with a creative block and can’t seem to find a suitable subject, try out these tips to get your mind working and spark your creativity:

Finding Inspiration to get you Started

  • Read – Often times the best way to get inspired is by reading what someone else has written. I have said this many times before, and I will say it many times in the future. Some of my most inspiring writing is brought on by reading another writer’s blog. Not everything needs to be a ‘great new idea’ it is perfectly acceptable to take someone else’s idea and make it your own. Next time you stumble across a blog, article, or story you enjoy consider how you can expand upon it and make it your own. The only rule here is to provide credit where credit is due and link back to the inspiration.
  • Get out and about – Sometimes all it takes is a little socialization to get your gears going. Meet up with a friend for a chat, or head to a busy café and strike up conversation with a stranger. Conversation produces ideas, and ideas can be turned into art, so get up, get dressed, and get talking… Even a short chat on your favorite social media site can stir up creativity so log on to Facebook and enjoy a chat.
  • Savor the Silence – When social situations are not the inspiring, often time solitude is what we seek. The silence and beauty that peace and quite brings is often very inspiring for a writer. Head to a quiet place in nature, like a hidden beach or quiet forest and simply savor the silence, listening only to the sounds around you and your thoughts. If you can’t get outdoor create solitude inside, retreat to a quiet room, or head to the local library for some down time. Bookstores, art galleries and museums are also inspiring and relatively free of crowds. Bring along a notebook and jot down any ideas that come to mind. Enjoy the peace and allow your creativity to connect.
  • Tune in – Music can be very inspiring for a writer. Next time you are lacking a subject to start your writing step away and crank up the tunes. Listen to the lyrics (if there are any) and really consider how the song makes you feel. Ask yourself what the artist is trying to say through the piece, and allow their inspiration to fuel your own.
  • He said, She said – Quotes are another excellent source of inspiration. A few simple lines can spark endless possibilities. Head over to your favorite quote site, (I like q.uote.it) and immerse yourself in the words of others. There are quotes available on literally ‘thousands’ of topics, and they are a great way to start off your writing (see above) or inspire you to expand. When reading quotes consider not only the words and the source, but the underlying symbolism that these simple pieces often hold. Allow your mind to fully process each written word, and evaluate how they truly make you feel.
  • Just Breathe – Not every moment is meant to be spent writing. If you find that you just cannot find inspiration to get started simply step away. Often times a short break is all that a writer needs to regain perspective and get their creativity back in gear. Take a short walk, step outside, have a bath or do the housework. Focus on something else for a while until you are ready to tackle the task again. By taking time out to relax you are clearing the clutter of your mind and allowing new thoughts and ideas to enter.

If all else fails don’t forget to visit the Prompt section of this site. Writing prompts can be a great way to get started and often lead to other ideas. You can view the prompts this site has available HERE or follow the link at the top of the page.


Until Next Time…

Write On!

How do you cope when you are lacking inspiration?
Where do you find sources for your writing?